القائمة الرئيسية


مطلوب موظفين إداريين للسفارة الاسترالية في الاردن براتب يصل 1257 دينار

 تعلن السفارة الاسترالية في الاردن عن موظفين براتب 1117-1257 دينار


 تعلن السفارة الاسترالية في الاردن عن حاجتها الى موظفين براتب 1117-1257 دينار

About the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
The role of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is to advance the interests of Australia and Australians internationally through its network of Embassies. This involves strengthening Australia’s security, enhancing Australia’s prosperity, delivering an effective and high-quality overseas aid program and helping Australian travellers and Australians overseas.
The Department provides foreign, trade and development policy advice to the Australian Government. DFAT also works with other Australian government agencies to drive coordination of Australia’s pursuit of global, regional, and bilateral interests.
The Australian Embassy in Amman is seeking a high-performing, pro-active and service-focused person to work in the DFAT section within the Embassy.
About the position The Human Resources (HR) Officer, under direction, performs a wide range of administrative functions and assists with finance processing tasks.
The key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
• Assist in the coordination of Australian diplomatic staff and their families’ arrivals and departures;
• Assist in the induction training for all new staff;
• Maintain personnel records for diplomats and Locally Engaged Staff (LES) etc.;
• Coordinate LES recruitment processes and prepare LES staff contracts;
• Assist in managing the LES Medical Insurance Scheme;
• Assist with and process diplomatic staff medical requests;
• Maintain and update records in the Overseas Staff Profile;
• Assist in developing and maintaining LES skills training plans;
• Assist the Finance/HR Manager in calculation of monthly LES salaries and final entitlements monies for payment processing;
• Act as backup to the Accounts Assistant/Cashier and Junior Accountant;
• Act as a backup for transport, hotel, and travel bookings;
• Understand and implement various financial policies;
• Prepare monthly bank statement reconciliation; and
• Other duties as required.
The monthly salary range for the HR Officer position is between 1,117 JD – 1,257 JD.
Selection Criteria A successful applicant should be able:
• Communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders and clients, including but not limited to, client inquiriesjudgment, managing service provider relationships and engaging with internal and external  Embassy contacts. Officers must exercisand udgement and reasoning when communicating with clients and stakeholders.
• Apply excellent organizational skills to work efficiently and balance competing priorities. Expect to manage your own work in addition to providing support to junior officers.
• Contribute to, and support, work practice improvements and data monitoring to identify risks and analyze trends.
• Actively support the HR and Finance Manager.
• Act professionally, ethically, and with integrity at all times.
Applications must include:
1) A short resume (maximum two pages).
2) A written response addressing each of the selection criteria listed above. Note:
– Please base your responses on your previous work experience (i.e. use work examples). You may use the same work example to address more than one selection criterion if you wish. You are encouraged to use the STAR Method when describing your work example:
– Situation – describe the situation you were faced with.
– Task – what were the task/s you were responsible for?
– Action – what steps did you take to address the issue and if relevant, why did you choose this course of action?
– Result – what outcomes or benefits did your action/s achieve?
3) The contact details of at least two work referees.
– If currently working, one of these referees should be your current supervisor. Please forward applications no later than 5pm 17 April 2022 UTC/GMT +2 to amman.applications@dfat.gov.au.
Please note:
– Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
– Any inquiriesthree-month, including in relation to salary details, should be directed to the above email address.
– The Australian Government is an Equal Opportunity employer. We have a non-discriminatory work environment.
– New staff are employed on a non-ongoing contract of up to twelve months, with a three month probationary period.
– Please advise if you have a relative or friend working at the Australian Embassy. This will not harm your application but will ensure transparency and avoid potential conflicts of interest in the assessment process. All applications will be assessed by neutral parties, on their individual merits and using standardized criteria